What is the role of top immigration lawyers in Canada?

Immigration lawyer Toronto

An immigration lawyer’s role is quite different from other types of lawyers. Immigration lawyers are known for helping people who have difficulty complying with immigration requirements. Immigration Services Toronto are often called advisors or counsellors to immigrants and foreign citizens. They offer advice and guidance in visa applications and green cards, citizenship, naturalization, deportation issues and employment for non-citizens. The time spent by top immigration lawyers in Canada on civil litigation in court is far less than that of other types. They help people become citizens in new countries.
What is the role of top immigration lawyers in Canada?
Here is a list of roles that the top immigration lawyers in Canada play during the immigration process:

  1. Immigration applications:

The role of top immigration lawyers in Canada includes filing an immigration application on behalf of a person. This application may be a permanent resident visa that allows people to settle in Canada permanently or a temporary residence visa which will enable people to stay in Canada on a specific basis.

  1. Family reunification:

The role of top immigration lawyers in Canada includes adopting a family member or sponsoring a family member to come to Canada. This means that the person being supported or adopted by the immigration services Toronto becomes a permanent resident in Canada.

  1. Sponsorship:

The role of top immigration lawyers in Canada includes applying for a permanent resident visa sponsored by either the sponsor, spouse or common-law partner or parent, if applicable. This means that once their family members are accepted as permanent residents, they will also become citizens of Canada and will be allowed to apply for citizenship in Canada at any time they wish.

  1. Process delays:

They help handle all the processing delays in applying for a permanent residence visa. These problems are usually due to issues like processing loopholes that immigrants are unaware of or inaccurate information that the sponsoring group has provided, and timely advice is required.

  1. Medical Condition

Some medical conditions, typically known as communicable diseases, could make it impossible for a person to be allowed entry into the United States. Top immigration lawyers in Canada can help applicants determine if their medical condition makes them ineligible and the options.

  1. Help you find employment.

It requires a decent and well-paying job to make it in the US. As an immigrant will be quite difficult without a job. However, an experienced immigration lawyer can assist you in obtaining a job that pays a fair wage to the US. While they can’t directly procure your work, they can help you. This means that your immigration lawyer can be a valuable resource for you in obtaining a job in the US. They can assist you in obtaining the entitlements you have a right to.


An experienced immigration lawyer will ensure that you are following the latest regulations and procedures in immigration. It is essential to get expert advice from the most skilled team of immigration experts. No matter what issues you might face in your immigration journey, it is possible to seek help from a top lawyer to receive the assistance you require.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much time will it take to immigrate to Canada?
    It depends on your situation. If you have a sponsor or relative, it will take six months from the date of applying. If you are applying as an independent, it will take 12 to 18 months from your day of use.
  2. What are the skills an immigration attorney must hold?
    Some skills include a good sense of judgment, creative solutions to problems, exceptional communication skills, speaking in public, compassion, and great interpersonal abilities.
  3. What’s the main difference between an immigration lawyer and an immigration consultant?

In immigration law, lawyers and consultants offer a majority of the same solutions. Lawyers, however, can represent clients in federal court for complex cases, whereas consultants cannot be able to go beyond the appeals tribunal when there’s an issue with the application.

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